Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Paradigms
Sociology is the systematic study of human society, so when sociologists begin thinking about issues and how to connect facts they developed the theoretical paradigm (Macionis 14). Sociology has three major paradigms: the structural- functional paradigm, the social-conflict paradigm, and symbolic-interaction paradigm. The structural-functional paradigm is ââ¬Å"a framework for building theory that sees society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stabilityâ⬠(Macionis 14). The idea is that we have a stable social pattern most of the time, and that social structure gives our lives shape. This paradigm also looks for social functions. Rituals and simple courtesies keep society going (Macionis). The main characteristic of the structural-function paradigm is that society is stable. The conservative side of this paradigm is that we focus on stability even when there is conflict, which also led sociologists to develop the social-conflict paradigm. The social-conflict paradigm is ââ¬Å"a framework for building theory that sees society as an area of inequality that generates conflict and changeâ⬠(Macionis 15). Sociologists in this paradigm link such things as race, gender, age, social class, and ethnicity to inequality among money, power, and education. Thus, leading to dominant people striving to stay on top, while the subordinate try to gain more for themselves. The problem with this paradigm as well as with the structural-functional is that everything is in such broad terms, so a third paradigm was developed which represents society in everyday experiences. The symbolic-interaction paradigm is ââ¬Å"a framework for building theory that sees society as the product of the everyday interactions of individualsâ⬠(Macionis 17). In this paradigm sociologists believe that society is nothing more than when people interact with each other. That is, human beings live in a world of symbols attaching to ever... Free Essays on Paradigms Free Essays on Paradigms Sociology is the systematic study of human society, so when sociologists begin thinking about issues and how to connect facts they developed the theoretical paradigm (Macionis 14). Sociology has three major paradigms: the structural- functional paradigm, the social-conflict paradigm, and symbolic-interaction paradigm. The structural-functional paradigm is ââ¬Å"a framework for building theory that sees society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stabilityâ⬠(Macionis 14). The idea is that we have a stable social pattern most of the time, and that social structure gives our lives shape. This paradigm also looks for social functions. Rituals and simple courtesies keep society going (Macionis). The main characteristic of the structural-function paradigm is that society is stable. The conservative side of this paradigm is that we focus on stability even when there is conflict, which also led sociologists to develop the social-conflict paradigm. The social-conflict paradigm is ââ¬Å"a framework for building theory that sees society as an area of inequality that generates conflict and changeâ⬠(Macionis 15). Sociologists in this paradigm link such things as race, gender, age, social class, and ethnicity to inequality among money, power, and education. Thus, leading to dominant people striving to stay on top, while the subordinate try to gain more for themselves. The problem with this paradigm as well as with the structural-functional is that everything is in such broad terms, so a third paradigm was developed which represents society in everyday experiences. The symbolic-interaction paradigm is ââ¬Å"a framework for building theory that sees society as the product of the everyday interactions of individualsâ⬠(Macionis 17). In this paradigm sociologists believe that society is nothing more than when people interact with each other. That is, human beings live in a world of symbols attaching to ever...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Understanding Diacritical Marks in French
Understanding Diacritical Marks in French There are four French accents for vowels and one accent for a consonant. Understanding each of these accents is vital because they actually change the pronunciation of the letters that they modify, essentially creating completely different letters for the French language.à Vowel Accents The accent aigu à ´ (acute accent) can only be on an E. At the beginning of a word, it often indicates that an S used to follow that vowel, e.g., à ©tudiant (student).The accent grave (grave accent) can be found on an A, E, or U. On the A and U, it usually serves to distinguish between words that would otherwise be homographs; e.g., ou (or) vs oà ¹ (where).The accent circonflexe Ãâ (circumflex) can be on an A, E, I, O, or U. The circumflex usually indicates that an S used to follow that vowel, e.g., forà ªt (forest). It also serves to distinguish between homographs; e.g., du (contraction of de le) vs dà » (past participle of devoir).The accent trà ©ma à ¨ (dieresis or umlaut) can be on an E, I, or U. It is used when two vowels are next to each other and both must be pronounced, e.g., naà ¯ve, Saà ¼l. Consonant Accent The cà ©dille à ¸ (cedilla) is found only on the letter C. It changes a hard C sound (like K) into a soft C sound (like S), e.g., garà §on. The cedilla is never placed in front of E or I, because C always sounds like an S in front of these vowels. Capital Letters It is essential to put accents in their proper places; an incorrect or missing accent is a spelling mistake just as an incorrect or missing letter would be. The only exception to this is capital letters, which are often left unaccented.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
IT Trends Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
IT Trends - Essay Example Various organizations such as Gartner and Juniper have listed some of the top technological trends that are leading in the field of information systems. This section will briefly explain two major trends from the two firms According to Gartner, the arrival of Windows 8 made battles related to mobile devices as one of the top technological trend for the year 2012 and 2013. Gartner claimed that the conflict among the vendors to have full attention from the consumers had forced IT managers to be heterogeneous. It was predicted that by the year 2013, mobile phones would overtake personal computers, mostly among those workers whose jobs required them to do so though a few still require the PCs. The rise of mobile devices signaled the end of PCs as well as Windows as the only corporate platform. This means that by 2015, it is highly likely that Windows 8 will be lagging behind Apple and Android, reducing Microsoftââ¬â¢s share (Miller par.4). The mobile money has attracted immense attention and related services have been diversifying and growing rapidly. According to Juniper, the environment in Asia and Africa has led to an increased uptake of mobile money oriented service, leading to the development of other services such as product tracking (Koetsier par. 3). In successfully adopting mobile devices in organizations, it is important to first understand some of the drawbacks such as loss of data and insecurity. In this case, there is a need to provide a strategy or framework for mobile users to work in a secure manner, including the use of applications with business oriented data at prescribed entries to heighten cost savings. Consequently, this will unleash innovation and easily solve business related problems. Another way of effectively adopting mobile devices in businesses is by heavily investing in IT. If the IT staff does not have the ability to support the devices, it is essential to outsource external support to ensure that users have someone they
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Computer systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Computer systems - Essay Example But due to the fact that interface of most computer systems has limited range of expressions, users has no opportunities to interact with them as with real people. Current tools, such as email, mailing lists, chat rooms, discussion phorums have substantial shortcomings. Their interface is designed only for delivery of simple ideas, without emotions, gestures or face expressions. Of course people can use so-called smiles (primitive pictures with emotions, such as smile or sadness), but every system has its own predefined set of smiles and does not allow user to insert custom image instantly. At the same time in a physical world people can easily express emotions in a discussion over a meal or a drink, meeting up at a conference or having a special offer pointed out to you by behaviour of a stranger. Social information in a physical world is transmitted on many levels. Most of these levels are lost in digital environment, hence socially blind. Therefore need of expression of social information arises, for example mood, condition, some feelings. So people can see emotional reaction of their interlocutors, not only what they express in words. This social information may be applied to knowledge management to make users' activities visible to others. The realist approach involves trying to project social... The realist approach is a straightforward answer to the question; it minimizes the difficulty of producing and interpreting social signals. However current technology places very strict limits on the resolution of teleconferencing and video space systems. The mimetic approach tries to represent social cues from the physical world, as literally as possible, in the digital domain. The mimetic approach is exemplified by graphical MUDs and virtual reality systems, and uses virtual environments and avatars of various degrees of realism to mimic the physical world. Work here ranges from attempts to implement a virtual physics to the considerably looser representations of social information found in the 2-D and 3-D avatars found in various graphical MUDs and 3-D VRML worlds. While the use of mimetic representations decreases some of the bandwidth requirements of such systems, in this sort of system social signals must be consciously produced via users manipulating their avatars. The abstract approach involves portraying social information in ways that are not closely tied to their physical analogs. Exemplars of the abstract approach include AROMA, the Out to Lunch system (which uses abstract sonic cues to indicate socially salient activity), and Chat Circles (which uses abstract visual representations). This approach also includes the use of text to portray social information. Text has proved surprisingly powerful as a means for conveying social information, so the abstract approach scales well, both textual and abstract graphical representations being relatively compact. (Erickson and Kellogg, 2002) 3. Using your knowledge and experience, explain how the application of context and domain modelling could be used to help establish a
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Changes in Technology Essay Example for Free
Changes in Technology Essay The many changes in technology over the years greatly impacted the development of early human societies. Agriculture, religion, and competition between groups are just a few of the many things that were greatly impacted by the changes in technology. New inventions and ways of thinking of things made a huge difference in the world. There have been many changes in technology through out the years and in the development of early human societies. There were many changes during and after the classical age when it comes to agriculture. The invention of crop rotation and irrigation helped a lot in agriculture. They made farming much quicker and easier. Jethro Tullââ¬â¢s inventions of the seed drill and horseshoe also helped speed up the farming process. The seed drill made planting easier by planting seeds deep in the ground so they arenââ¬â¢t washed away. Horseshoes allowed horses to plow much quicker than before, which increased productivity. The increase of farming also made life a lot easier by allowing for less nomadic living due to the crops being so close to home. These inventions, as well as having more food from farming, are the reason for agriculture being as technologically advanced as it is today. Like agriculture, religion was also hugely impacted. Religion has always been very important in human societies. In the early years, religions such as Christianity and Buddhism introduced the idea of mutual intolerance. Mutual intolerance was the acceptance of disagreeing with another religion. Islam, Buddhism, and Christianity are just a few examples of the religions in this time. Things such as improvements in tools and weapons changed competition between groups. As time went on, there were more and more developments when it came to agriculture, engineering, and tools. The tools becoming more advanced led to the ideas of better weapons. Because weapons and tools kept improving, they began to be used to obtain power more regularly. In turn, groups like the Aztecs, Toltec, Mayans, and Oaxaca began fighting with these weapons in competition between groups. These examples of change in agriculture, religion, and competition between groups show that technology greatly impacted the development of early human societies. Whether it was because of inventions or different perspectives on things, these societies were obviously greatly impacted. With this information, it is clear that there have been many changes in technology through out the years and in the development of early human societies.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Theme of Love in The Magic Barrel by Benard Malamud Essay -- essays re
That what love is has always been a question satisfied completely by no answer. Some have their own definitions and draw in their minds images of ideal lovers, while others just simply follow what the hearts dictate. Through the spiritual journey to seek for love of Leo, the main character of 'The Magic Barrel' by Bernard Malamud, the author gives us his undeniable declaration of love. Leo, who has a matchmaker find for him a wife, after all his choices falls in love with the one he does not choose, yet he loves her at the first sight. As what Malamud declares, it is because love is not a matter of choice but of chance. From the very beginning of the story we are known that Leo Finkle has devoted all of his 6 year-time to his study and he is to be ordained. Never has in his mind had the thought of getting married until he is adviced to do so in order to win a congregation in an easier way. How can he get married once he has had no ?time for a social life and the company of young women The solution is a traditional one within the Jewish community, he calls in Pinye Salzman the matchmaker. From what he talks about the role of a marriage broker (?ancient, and honorable, highly approved?) and about his parents? marriage (?a successful one in the sense of their everlasting devotion to each other?), we might infer that he believes there will be love after getting married by arragement. Here we can see the conflict, and even irony of the situation. Leo loves no one yet he wants to have a wife. He wants a wife yet he finds her through other?s suggestion which depends on the lady?s social status, property an d father?s promises. Moreover, his requires are so much and so high that there may be no ability to fulfill them. He finds fault... ... some one nor not to love that person. Leo after discovering Stella is not a good girl has tried not to love her. ?Through days of torment he endlessly struggled not to love her but he is unsuccessful, or in fact, he scares of success, ?fearing success, he escaped it.? Poor him! Why cannot he succeed? Because it is the magic of love. Because we do not have the competence in controlling love. Because he must love no one but Stella. Love is not something that we can choose but something that destiny has planned for us. Any one of us can be a Leo now and then. We innocently believe that we have the choice and that we are taking the control over choosing our lovers. The illusion hurts us sometimes. However as Bernard Malamud shows us, love is not a matter of choice but of chance. There will be some one for us somewhere outside. Sooner or later our chance will come.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Middle school Essay
ââ¬Å"I want my childââ¬â¢s education to be holistic! â⬠ââ¬Å"I donââ¬â¢t like cramming and the loads of homework. â⬠ââ¬Å"I want my child to grow in a stress-free environment. â⬠ââ¬Å"The curriculum must stimulate reasoning and analytical skills. â⬠At the beginning of every academic year this is what you hear from your parents. Newspaper and magazines highlight the stress and strain students undergo during examinations. Good as it may seem, this generate a false hope parents have woken up to view education from a different dimensions. It makes educator believe that they do not want to support a system that evaluates a childââ¬â¢s potential through marks and grades. The success of every child initially depends on parents only. But unfortunately parents suddenly realize the importance of exams, results, percentage and college admissions and begin to rethink and re-valuate their personal convictions. Then they say :â⬠I must prepare my child to enter this competitive worldâ⬠. ââ¬Å"I must help my child to succeed in lifeâ⬠. What is this success they talk about? Is it a fulfillment of the childââ¬â¢s dream ? Have they channelled the childââ¬â¢s talents to achieve? Instead they run from pillar to post collecting question papers and application forms for all the competitive exams. There is no time to consider what the child wants and need. Children are not perceived as individual. Schools become factories churning out prize commodities. As long as parents fail to consider their children as growing individual with aspirations and talents, institutions will continue to capitalize on mass production. No doubt education is a necessity, but what do you want your child to be? Surely, not automatons and generators of wealth. The goal is to develop them into thinking individuals. Only then will we see change. It is the duty of educationists and the governing bodies to give a new meaning, a new direction and strike a new path towards a meaningful education. This is the foundation for a generation of sensitive and cultured human beings. I think this speech will bring a change in parents mind about childââ¬â¢s problems about their life. Thank you 2: A Parentââ¬â¢s Role in Education Home Education Parents have a vital role in their childââ¬â¢s education. By taking a few simple steps at home, you can help them enjoy school more, improve their studying and homework skills and prepare for college. The articles in this category, A Parentââ¬â¢s Role in Education, are full of tips on to help them with their schoolwork, such as creating a positive learning environment to making learning fun. There are also articles on warning signs to help you identify potential learning or school problems. A Parentââ¬â¢s Role in Education Nothing helps a child succeed like an involved parent. A little willingness from a childââ¬â¢s parents can work wonders in the classroom. Read on to learn more about your role as a parent in the education of your child. Creating a Positive Home Learning Environment Your child needs a special place to call their own. Setting aside a room or nook in your home dedicated to your childââ¬â¢s education will show him or her that youââ¬â¢re serious about their education. Read on to learn more about creating a positiveâ⬠¦ Evaluating Educational Resources on the Web There are many options available when looking for additional educational help online for your child. An awareness of the costs, services, advantages and disadvantages is crucial. Read on to learn how you can best evaluate educational resourcesâ⬠¦ Improving Your Childââ¬â¢s Grades Parents play an important role in a childââ¬â¢s education. This article examines some very simple things you can do every day provide your child with the support and encouragement they need to take on the challenge of improving their grades. Improving your Childââ¬â¢s Study Habits Learning skills need to be fostered at home. This article provides tips for parents who want to create a home environment that will help their children develop and maintain positive study habits. Preparing a Child for High School The transition from middle school to high school can be challenging and bewildering for some students. Parents can help make this period of great change easier on their children and themselves. Read on to learn more about preparing a child forâ⬠¦ Preparing a Child for Junior High School The transition from elementary to middle school or junior high is a difficult one, filled with new social and academic challenges. Here are some tips to help your child prepare for this big change. Reasons Your Child May Be Struggling in School Is your child struggling in school? This article details several of the common reasons why a child might fall behind in their studies ââ¬â and what parents can do to help. Recognizing Student Struggles 1 of 7: The Importance of Identifying Warning Signs The first in a 7 part series, this feature stresses the importance of recognizing your childââ¬â¢s classroom difficulties and resolving them quickly. Read on to learn more about the importance of identify warning signs and recognizing studentâ⬠¦ Recognizing Student Struggles 2 of 7: Identifying the Warning Signââ¬âConfidence Levels This article is the second in a seven part series aimed to help parents recognize the warning signs given off by struggling students. Read on to learn more about how you can remain aware of your childââ¬â¢s confidence level, and how you can helpâ⬠¦ Recognizing Student Struggles 3 of 7: Identifying the Warning Signââ¬âGrades As part of the Recognizing Student Struggles series, this feature explains what a sudden decline in grades might say about a studentââ¬â¢s curricular experience. It also offers suggestions for the most appropriate methods of correction should yourâ⬠¦ Recognizing Student Struggles 4 of 7: Identifying the Warning Signââ¬âAttitude As part of the Recognizing Student Struggles series, this article explores the attitude changes to look for in struggling students and offers suggestions for improving a childââ¬â¢s educational experience. Recognizing Student Struggles 5 of 7: Identifying the Warning Signââ¬âHomework Is your child struggling with their homework. A new approach and an involved parent can work wonders for a childââ¬â¢s success in the classroom. This is the fifth article in the Recognizing Student Struggles series. Recognizing Student Struggles 6 of 7: Identifying the Warning Signââ¬âClass Standing This feature in the Recognizing Student Struggles series discusses the importance listening to your childââ¬â¢s teacher and making use of their feedback. It also highlights what can be done if youââ¬â¢re told that your child has fallen behind in his orâ⬠¦ Recognizing Student Struggles 7 of 7: Identifying the Warning Signââ¬â(Lack of ) Determination This article (the last in the Recognizing Student Struggles series) explains several ways to assess a studentââ¬â¢s progress and level of determination based on their responses to failure. The 28 educational standards of the state of New York The state of New York has 28 standards that guide elementary and middle school education. This article outlines those standards in detail. The Educational Advantages of Using Computers and the Internet Computer programs and the Internet create educational opportunities not available to previous generations. Read on to learn how modern technologies can become valuable educational tools. Transform Your Childââ¬â¢s Poor Report Card Have your childââ¬â¢s grades taken a turn for the worse? Did they just bring home their first poor report card? Donââ¬â¢t worry. Read on to learn more about how you can help your child transform his or her poor report card.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Analytical Description of Players in Hamlet Essay
The significance of the players exceeds the sole purpose of entertainment, as each possesses the power to unveil the ââ¬Å"occulted guiltâ⬠(3.2.75) and conscience of the King. Hamlet assumes the responsibility to advise these players with precise and adequate direction so that a ââ¬Å"whirlwind of passionâ⬠(6) may not effectively separate Claudius from personally identifying with the play. Hamletââ¬â¢s enthusiastic approach toward direction may be so that he encourages the players to ââ¬Å"suit the action to the word, the word to the/ action, with this special observance, that you oââ¬â¢erstep not/ the modesty of natureâ⬠(16-18). However, this exercise of caution may justify Hamletââ¬â¢s too often delayed attempt toward the action of avenging his fatherââ¬â¢s murder. His direction confines him to the overflow of words as he experiences imprisonment within the truth of his own identity. Hamlet grants himself the opportunity to momentarily direct himself, yet it remains unknown as to whether he directs a representation of truth or a falsity. He exemplifies madness so well, as the sight of ââ¬Å"a damned ghostâ⬠(77) insanely induces his imagination and comfortably transforms his identity to one of lunacy. This role he acquires is one he portrays so explicitly well as an actor that he easily utilizes it as the foundation for his players. He instructs the players: Nor do not saw the air too much with your hand, Thus, but use all gently, for in the very torrent, tempest, And, as I may say, whirlwind of passion, you must acquire And beget a temperance that may give it smoothness. (4-7) Abstinence from overly dramatizing the actions of the play may be reflective of Hamletââ¬â¢s character prior to his escape from true self: a once-lived life of normalcy focused more wholly on ââ¬Å"smoothnessâ⬠(7) rather than an uncontrolled ââ¬Å"torrent, tempest, / â⬠¦whirlwind of passionâ⬠(5-6). Hamletââ¬â¢s direction of the players claims victory as Claudius abruptly arises and exclaims, ââ¬Å"Give me some light. Awayâ⬠(254)! Horatioââ¬â¢s observation of the Kingââ¬â¢s reaction confirms his guilt-inflamed conscience as he was forced to witness the reenactment of his brotherââ¬â¢s murder. Hamlet, relieved, reveals, ââ¬Å"Iââ¬â¢ll take the ghostââ¬â¢s word for a thousand/ poundâ⬠(271-272). The ghost is officially trustworthy as the Kingââ¬â¢s reaction encourages Hamlet to journey further toward his mission of avenging the death of his father. Any form of immediate action is ignored when Hamlet wrestles Polonius with false visions of psychosis as he inquires, ââ¬Å"Do you see yonder cloud thatââ¬â¢s almost in shape of a / camelâ⬠(355-356)? Hamletââ¬â¢s separation from action invites a sense of fear that intensifies his madness and entangles his entire self in nothing more than the mere use of words. It is his words that camouflage the notion that his own conscience may be afflicted with an overpowering sense of guilt. Even though Hamletââ¬â¢s accurate direction of the players did celebrate success as it illustrated the guilt of the Kingââ¬â¢s conscience, Hamletââ¬â¢s identity remains in crisis as he continues to revel in his words. His speech reveals his craving for action: ââ¬ËTis now the very witching time of night, When churchyards yawn and hell itself (breathes) out Contagion to this world. Now could I drink hot blood, And do such (bitter business as the) day Would quake to look on. (367-371) The claim that he is prepared to engage in necessary action remains solely a claim as Hamletââ¬â¢s burden of self-loathing dominates his internal struggle. He may fear the truth of his identity, as he is horrified by the realism included in the playersââ¬â¢ precise portrayal of his own life in actuality.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Antony & Cleopatra essays
Antony & Cleopatra essays Life's events often cause an individual to re-evaluate what his or her priorities are. In Antony and Cleopatra, Antony is constantly examining his priorities through experiences as he changes or affirms what is truly important in his life. Antony is forced to decide between the Roman lifestyle which he found great success with as a political leader and the frivolous Egyptian lifestyle of the East. After his experiences in battle, Antony makes an initial priority adjustment as he leaves his political success for his emotion dominated relationship with Cleopatra in Egypt. Soon he recognizes, through his experiences in Egypt, that his relationship is playing a negative role in his political involvement, and his strong Roman qualities are losing effect in his character. When he begins to fail in his role as a leader of the Roman Empire, he begins to doubt his priorities are where they should be. Antony finally reassess his life and his values after he has gone to battle ag! ain, and in turn, he accepts that his priorities are no longer found in politics, but are with Cleopatra; and so Antony proceeds to makes the ultimate sacrifice for what he found to be truly important in his life. Antony's initial priority adjustment is the most drastic, as he abandons his political responsibilities as a member of the Triumvirate for his passionate relation with Cleopatra. Caesar states about the Antony who was a great leader: "When thou once wast beaten from Modena... Thou dist drink the stale of horses and the gilded puddle Caesar acknowledges that Antony had such success in the past as a Roman leader as he was inspirational to his men in battle. This potential is abandoned in his infatuation with Cleopatra in the East. Thus, Caesar realizes Antony's potential to be a great leader in the Second Triumvirate in the Roman way of life. At the start of the play, Philo expresses his distrust of Antony and his doubt of Antony's pri...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
What to Do When You Cant Find a Job After College
What to Do When You Cant Find a Job After College If youââ¬â¢ve just graduated, left school, and started trying to set yourself up in your career, but find you canââ¬â¢t find a job after college. Youââ¬â¢re not alone. It can take time after graduation to find the good, fulfilling full-time employment that will get your professional life off on the right foot. Rather than freaking out about not having your first job, why not try taking these 4à steps towards getting hired? A few small tweaks to your job search strategy can make all the difference.1. Reassess the strategyPerhaps your plan was to get hired by a large company who recruits on campuses and hires grads before theyââ¬â¢ve even turned in their final papers. But a very small proportion of the recent post-college workforce lands jobs like these. If you didnââ¬â¢t, donââ¬â¢t worry. Focus now on smaller and younger companies that recruit differently, but might be really keen for a candidate like you. Look to local businesses. Think outside the box. And refocu s your energies to companies that stand a better chance of interviewing you.2. Try applying to the same company a few months laterAlternatively, if youââ¬â¢re still jobless after a few months and you missed your shot with your dream company, you might still get another chance. Lots of these big companies underestimate how many recruits theyââ¬â¢ll need and will often have a second round. Be ready and on the lookout to take advantage of this.3. Donââ¬â¢t freak out about experienceEmployers both know and understand that you donââ¬â¢t (and couldnââ¬â¢t possibly!) have the 1-3 years experience most job advertisements say a company requires. If you have the right background and skills, plus perhaps a relevant internship in your field, then companies will consider you for these positions. When in doubt, apply.4. Apply to different companies in different locationsWhen in doubt, expand your horizons. Consider roles, companies, even cities that may not have been on your first list of options. Try smaller companies where youââ¬â¢ll be able to get tons of on-the-job training and experience. Try boutique firms, or training programs that will nurture you and invest in your development.The bottom line is never to give up before itââ¬â¢s over. And it isnââ¬â¢t over. There are millions of opportunities out there for the college educated. And, with a little bit of luck and pluck and drive, youââ¬â¢ll get one of them soon.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Power of Communication Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Power of Communication - Assignment Example Both theories help in arriving at the true meaning and essence of a play. This is the only way in which the audience of a play gets in touch with the writer, and clearly gets the message that the writer of the play intended to pass across. This paper, therefore, goes a long way to critically analyze ââ¬Å"the importance of being Earnestâ⬠in light of Aristotleââ¬â¢s six elements of a play. First and foremost is the plot of the play. According to Aristotle, plot simply refers to the flow of incidents through which a protagonist progresses (Aristotle paragraph one). It talks more of the arrangement of events, and how they follow each other from the beginning to the end of the play. When analyzing plot as an integral element of a play, it is very critical to establish the relationship between and among different scenes or acts. The events in the play at hand truly agree with Aristotleââ¬â¢s theory. In Act one, we are introduced to both Jack and his fictional brother (Wilde act 1). Jack lives a double life and this is known to no one else but himself. The second Act brings us to the real reasons why jack lives a double life, while the third Act leads us in discovering the whole truth suggested in the second Ac t. The second element is Character. This is how the actors or figures in a play relate to each other, in a bid to achieve their different goals and motives (Aristotle paragraph two). Understanding the character helps in the identification of the conflict, since conflict is created by the goals, motives and desired pursued by each of the characters throughout the play. In the case at hand, the desire of Cecily is to get married to Ernest, which is also the desire of Gwendoline (Wilde act 3). This creates a conflict between them, a conflict that leads to the discovery of the truth. Gwendoline, in her desire to strengthen her relationship with Jack, decides to pay him a surprise visit. Gwendolineââ¬â¢s mother, Lady Bracknell, is not pleased by this and follows
Friday, November 1, 2019
Improving Education Selection and Return Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6750 words
Improving Education Selection and Return - Essay Example The new selection criteria are comprised of seventeen standards and other standards as well. The new selection criteria mention faculty, language, political, economic, religious, social, and previous academic factors as the key standards for evaluating universities. The key findings are the University of Washington Bothell has 19 PhD holders. It is privately and professionally administrated. The University of District of the Columbia is a public institution who faces the threats of political influence. Name Professor Subject Date Introduction The university selection criteria have changed over a period of time. Students face numerous issues while selecting a cost effective and professional university. With the passage of time and prevalence of globalization, selecting a professional university is nothing less than a challenge. There are various factors that must be taken into account before begin studying. For example, language has become a biggest barrier for overseas learning and e ducation. Every country or region has its own language in which education and learning is provided to the students. In Saudi Arabia, the Arabic language is employed to teach and communicate in the educational institutions. In the United States of America, English language serves as a communication tool between students and a professor. For a Saudi Student wishing to study abroad or in the United States of America, understanding and speaking of English language is an essential precondition. Without this language, it would be nearly impossible for the Saudi student to get education in the United States or any other country. The difference and effect of a private sector university and a public sector university cannot be underestimated. It is a common understanding that the public sector universities always remain under the influence of politicians and the political parties. On the other hand, it is also assumed that the private sector universities do not experience the similar level o f influence that is being experienced by the public sector universities. In addition to that, it is also experienced that the private sector universities remain more professional and competent in comparison with the public sector universities. In the following parts of this paper, first research methodology has been incorporated in which how the data was accessed and what problems were faced by the researcher are accounted for. It is followed by the Saudi Arabia selection criteria methodology has been provided in which Saudi Arabia criteria have been applied on the University of Washington Bothell and the University of the District of the Columbia. The new selection criteria have also been applied to these universities. Before the conclusion part, the results have been discussed to highlight the major findings in the work. Research methodology Objective and Return Manifestations The purpose of research is to increase knowledge (Clark-Carter, 3).The objective is to highlight and sele ct the most effective criteria for evaluating universities. For this purpose, two criteria have been selected for evaluating universities. Using two criteria will facilitate the appropriate evaluation of universities and it would help us to highlight the improve education selection and return as well. The improvement of education is only achieved when it provides better returns i.e. the student becomes a well-competent official figure and serves any organization with unique and competent skills and
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